The first of a meager set of exterior photos dating back to 1898.
Jump to the other photos: 1898 | mid 1930s | late 1930s | 1952 | c. 1980 | 1992 | 2010

This was printed in Bicknell’s History of the Town of Barrington (1898) and reprinted in his Sowams ten years later. Note the original roofline (now altered) of the 1857 addition at left; the roof access hatch by main chimney (still visible from inside, under modern roof); working shutters on windows and front door; lights and pediment over door (the door’s shutters are obscuring the fluted pilasters); original 6-over-6 windows visible on both main house and addition. At this time, the house was still two legally distinct properties, with the west wing (the addition) owned and occupied by General Allin’s great-grandson Thomas C. Cooke. The main house, however, had left the family in 1830.
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[…] third of a meager set of exterior photos dating back to 1898 Jump to the other photos: 1898 | mid 1930s | late 1930s | 1952 | c. 1980 | 1992 | […]
[…] sixth of a meager set of exterior photos dating back to 1898 Jump to the other photos: 1898 | mid 1930s | late 1930s | 1952 | c. 1980 | 1992 | […]
[…] fifth of a meager set of exterior photos dating back to 1898 Jump to the other photos: 1898 | mid 1930s | late 1930s | 1952 | c. 1980 | 1992 | […]
[…] to the other photos: 1898 | mid 1930s | late 1930s | 1952 | c. 1980 | 1992 | […]
[…] to the other photos: 1898 | mid 1930s | late 1930s | 1952 | c. 1980 | 1992 | […]
[…] to the other photos: 1898 | mid 1930s | late 1930s | 1952 | c. 1980 | 1992 | […]
[…] of Hundred-Acre Cove, long held by members of the Allen family — not the Allin family who built my farmhouse in West Barrington. I had presumed the house belonged to a branch of descendants of John Allen of Swansea (d. 1683), […]
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