I am researching the Mackworth family of Rutland and Shropshire, who descend from Thomas Mackworth of Derby, who with his brother John (a canon of Lincoln cathedral) was granted arms privately by John Touchet, lord Audley, in 1404. I was curious about the phenomenon of early private grants of arms until I found the excellent set of examples put together by Sebastian Nelson (now an archivist working for the State of California at Sacramento) on two pages, one for private grants of the fourteenth century, and another for early heralds’ grants (but with an introduction discussing private grants).

The original of the Mackworth grant of 1404 was in the possession of the Mackworth baronets of Normanton (Rutland) at the time of the Visitation of Rutland of 1681-82. It is published with that visitation, as edited by W. Harry Rylands and W. Bruce Bannerman in Publications of the Harleian Society, vol. 73 (1921), pp. 12-13. I give the text of the grant here:
Taken from the original in the custody of Sr Tho: Mackworth of Normanton in Com: Rutland Bart. 30 July 1681. By me Gregory King Rouge Dragon.
A tous ceulx qui ces lettres verront ou orront Johan Tochet Sire Daudeley Salus. Savoir vous faisons que nous per consideracion que nos treschiers et bienames John Macworth et Thomas Macworth son frere sont estraits de bons et vaillants gens, et aussi pour le bon service que leurs Ancestres ont fait a nos Ancestres, nous voudrions leement fere que purroit honurer et avancer leurs estats si avons en avancement et honnour des estats des ditz John et Thomas, lour donne parcelle de nos Armes Daudeley et de Tochet, a avoir et porter ovec certeines differences comes pcert [?] per un escochun dessoubs paintes les colours Sable et ermeyn partes et endentes ovec un cheveron de Goules frettes dor de les Armes Daudeley; et une creste, cestassavoir une eele gest per celle de nostre Creste Daudeley, de quele ele les plumes ferront des Sable et dermeyn. A avoir et porter les dices armes ovec autielx differences come lour semble mieux affaire hors de mesmes les Armes a eux et a leurs heirs de nous et de nos heirs piw [?] tousjours sans empeschement de nous ou de nos heirs quiconques per le temps avenir. En tesmoignance de quele chose a icestes nos presentes tres avons fait mettre nostre seal Donne soubs nostre Seal a nostre Manoir de Marketon le primier jour Daugst Lan du grace Mile quatre Cents quart.

This edition draws from Gregory King’s text in the Visitation notebook, CoA MS K. 1, p. 249; with noted variants in what I assume is a copy of the visitation, BL MS Harley 1410, fo. 43. I have expanded some of the abbreviations left in the printed edition; but my question marks are for things as printed by the editor which I don’t understand and perhaps he didn’t either, or Gregory King didn’t. The engravings above, of the escochun dessoubs paintes and the grantor’s seal, were presumably done from Gregory King’s sketches.
Now, is there any chance that this original grant, as shown by the Mackworths of Normanton to the herald in 1681, survives and has been described, transcribed, or even photographed elsewhere?
I suppose I could write to the current baronet to find out.
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No, I can’t write to the current baronet: the baronetcy of Mackworth of Normanton went extinct in 1803, when Sir Henry Mackworth, 7th Baronet, died in London (at the Charterhouse, a famous almshouse sited in the old Carthusian monastery). I’m not sure who the heir general of the Mackworths of Normanton is, but it would be a good exercise to figure it out.
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