One of the hidden treasures that has rewarded my browsing in The Ancestor (of which I recently bought a set of all twelve volumes in their original publisher’s bindings), is a handsome set of cuts made after fourteenth-century encaustic floor tiles from Tewkesbury Abbey. See Hal Hall, “Notes on the Tiles at Tewkesbury Abbey,” The Ancestor 9 (1904), 46-64. The digital copy of the journal (linked here) contains fine scans of these, of which the following sample set of eight (there are several others) are reduced in size and flattened nearly to black-and-white. The captions here are as given in the article. Excellent source of dingbats for a heraldry blog!

Arms of Somerville of Gloucestershire

Beauchamp of Holt and an uncertain shield

Arms attributed to Robert Fitz Hamon, impaled with the Cross of the Abbey

Newburgh and Despenser

Arms of Newburgh Earls of Warwick, with the Badge of the Chained Bear

Tiles made up of fragments of the arms of Despenser and Beauchamp, with others

Beauchamp of Holt and Beauchamp of Powyck

Arms of Cobham or Peyvre
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[…] my lost ancestors have been found, and I am delighting in their acquaintance. This was written by Nat Taylor. Posted on Tuesday, March 17, 2009, at 03:44. Filed under […]
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