Hwaet! Unto us this day is born, in the city of Pawtucket, in the state of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations, our fourth child and second son, Simon Lane Taylor.
Like genograms but for soccer moms rather than therapists, those self-satisfied minivan decals have emerged as the latest diagrammatic lexicon for identifying one’s family. If we indulged in them (and we do, I admit, have a minivan) here’s what ours might look like now:

Except the littlest one doesn’t stand…
Congratulation Nat. Symmetry is a beautiful thing.
Thanks. He’s now in the ‘official’ Taylor family pedigree chart on my website. There is some sort of font encoding irregularity with the pdf of that chart (the software used to generate it, Canvas, is now discontinued), but it seems to display OK on MY computer at least. How about others?
Solved pdf issue. Saved Canvas file as .eps; converted eps > pdf with Preview. — NLT
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