I’ve been working for some time now, albeit sporadically, on an article on the Shropshire Mackworths. Lately I’ve been in correspondence with an English Mackworth descendant, in Shropshire, who was introduced to me in correspondence by a mutual friend. Liz Roberts, who descends from the Betton Strange Mackworths, is a keen genealogist and actually volunteers at the Shropshire Record Office; she has been wonderfully helpful. She recently sent me a digital image of the 1613 record of apprenticeship of Arthur Mackworth of Deyhouse, Newton, Meole Brace, Salop., who is in all likelihood the man of that name and age who appears as a patentee of ‘Newton’, at Portland, Maine, in 1633.

Here I give a transcription of the apprenticeship document:
m[emorandum] quod Johannes Garbett pannarius secondo die Julii anno
domini 1613 protulitt quodam indentura gerentem datum
ultimo die Aprillis anno domini 1612 anno regni nostri
regis Jacobi dei gratia Anglie francie et Hibernie
decimo inter predicto Johannes de una parte et Arthurus
Macworth fillius Thom’ Macworth, de Dehowse in com.
Salopp de altera parte, ut predictus Arthurus
serviett predicto Johannes utt apprenticie a
ultimo die Marcie proximo preteritum ante datum
predicto indenturam pro spacie et termino septem
annorum … et petitt quod hec indentura inrotulavet
querundam formam stat[….]
or, done into the vulgar tongue:
Memorandum that John Garbett, draper, on July 2, 1613 brought an indenture, dated 30 April 1612 (10 James I), between himself and Arthur Mackworth, son of Thomas Mackworth of Deyhouse, Salop., that the said Arthur would serve John as apprentice from the last day of March past (i.e. 1612), for a space of seven years (i.e. to 1619); and he asked that the indenture be recorded . . .
Here is the whole thing, reduced:

Thanks, It is nice to see the old correspondences. I follow Nathaniel and Rebeca Wharfe’s line, through their son Nathaniel.
I also descend from Nathaniel Wharf. My line goes down via the Dogtown (Gloucester) Wharfs to my great – grandmother:
1. Arthur Mackworth (d. by 1658) = Jane (—) Andrews (d. by 1676)
2. Rebecca Mackworth ( – ) = Nathaniel Wharf (d. by 1673)
3. Nathaniel Wharf (1661 – 1755) = Ann Riggs (1664 – 1701)
4. Arthur Wharf (1694 – ) = Martha Lee (1711 – )
5. Sarah Wharf (1742 – ) = Peter Lurvey (1739 – 1775)
6. Mary Lurvey (1773 – ) = John Morgan Stanwood (1774 – 1852)
7. Ruth Morgan Stanwood (1812–1887) = Lazarus Lane (1809–1843)
8. George Washington Lane (1834–1879) = Anne Elizabeth Andrews (1837 – 1913)
9. Nellie Mae Lane (1876–1935) = Benjamin Franklin Tucker (1873 – 1947)
There is good relatively recent work on the Wharfs: Richard S. Wheeler, “Nathaniel Wharfe/Wharff of Gloucester (c. 1661-c. 1754) and his family,” Essex Genealogist 14 (1994), 150-155.
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